Monday 2 June 2014

Meet Lido Chilelli Cabbagetown Festival Coordinator Tue. June 17th, 6-8

Lido Chilelli, with assistant Jessica Haines (in the photo) and his team will be bringing it to the streets for Cabbagetown Festival 2014. Lido is a household name in the world of festival and event organizing. He is the founder of the Beaches International Jazz Festival (which now attracts a million plus visitors) and organizes numerous events throughout the province.
This years festival will see bands up and down the streets, children's zones, artist vendors and every conceivable amusement for all ages.
The famous "Blair's Run" which moves from Saturday to the "Sunday" brings runners from local streets and all over the GTA in support of the Cabbagetown Youth Centre.
Opening (Sat. Sept 6th) and closing ceremonies (Sun. Sept 7th) will be at the north east corner of Carlton and Parliament mid-day (times TBA) and bookend the festival. Major activities and entertainment are already in place. Vendors can now book their spots online at our website
The BIA is hosting a community information session Tuesday June 17th, 6-8pm at the newly renovated offices at 237 Carlton St. where they can meet and greet with Lido Chilelli, BIA board members and David Blackmore.
Cabbagetown businesses are encouraged to participate in their own special way and can set up in front of their stores.
For more information email David Blackmore, BIA Executive